Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Opus masterpiece- back

This is the back of the industrial CD cover. That little girl is actually my cousin I got gothed up. She looks so cute! lol

Opus masterpiece- front

This is the front of an industrial CD cover I designed.


This is a Monster Photography shot I took, I was thinking about using it for somehting else...

Principle of Design

This an example of the principle 'movement', it is a work in progress.

Edison Glass

Just a fun little pic with a friend.

IF: "garden"

It is a garden of pain, it's still incomplete, but it has potential...

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Element of Design: Color

This is a working compostion of my Elements and Principles of Design poster.

IF: "Leap" or To my version "Leap of Faith"

When I heardthe word "leap " automaticly thought of love,the thought of a women so madly in love that it was a 'leap of faith', hencethefalling figure to the upper right of her head.